Snapshot of the Women of India Leadership Summit
24 Oct

The panel on finance management. From left to right: Monika Halan, Bindu Sethi, Manvi Dhillon, Amit Khanna and Samit Tandon; photo courtesy of BooGio 11 Productions. had the wonderful opportunity of attending a day of the three-day long Women of India Leadership Summit in New Delhi, held earlier in October. It was designed to encourage women’s leadership through providing a speaker, workshop and event lineup that fostered discourse about issues that concern the modern woman.Going to college requires a certain amount of growing up, of asserting yourself as an individual and making some tough choices like what to study, how to carry your school relationships forward, and – most important if you’re not living at home – how to manage your finances. Monika Halan, Editor of Mint Money and presenter of the show ‘Smart Money’ on India’s Bloomberg TV, had some good tips on how to keep your finances in order, for example through using a ‘little black book’ to keep track of income, expenditures, and bank details. Of course, you can also be a little more modern and use an Excel Sheet on Microsoft, but there’s nothing quite like a notebook that can be toted around to all your coffee dates and dinners out!

Geet Oberoi talks about the challenges she faced while turning her passion into a business; photo courtesy of BooGio 11 Productions.
College is a time of exploration, time to figure out what you want to do in life, and using the lessons you learn to launch you in that direction. The panel on ‘Turning Passion into a Business’ discussed turning dreams into reality. We heard about Mudita Chandra’s desire to help dogs (she runs the Sai Ashram Animal Shelter in Delhi) or Geet Oberoi‘s (founder of OrKids School, Delhi) mission to set up schools for special children. How do you get these dreams off the ground? Well, it’s a lot of hard work. ‘You sleep a little less’, Geet told an engaged audience. Is it worth taking the risk? The panelists all thought so. The Women of India Leadership Summit was organised by BooGio11 Productions and held on 4-6 October at the India Islamic Cultural Centre in New Delhi.
Dr Ujwala P. Bhadanga an Associate professor from Dr. BAM University Aurangabad, has written an nice article about Leadership for Women Empowerment. The article is published in VO1l Issue I of Sanshodhan Chetana an educational research journal and can be read at