Archive | October, 2021

Check out these four spooky podcasts for scary season

28 Oct

For Halloween, we bring you four podcasts that will help set the atmosphere for this season. You can get your fill of urban legends and ancient myth or find out the truth to historical legends without any of the gory images that accompany a televised adaptation. Enjoy! 1. Myths and Legends: Hands down one of […]

Word Nerd: 5 Odd Words that Start with an O

21 Oct

The seasons have changed and we are well on our way towards the end of the year. You might just be amazed at how time has flown by and go, “Oh!” We share your expression of surprise and love for this cool month. So, for this edition of Word Nerd, we are sharing 5 odd […]

Word Nerd: 5 cool words that you will enjoy using this season

8 Oct

Depending on your latitude and longitude, you’ve probably detected a change in the air. It could be the browning of leaves or the nightly scent of jasmine. It could be that wherever you go – it seems like you’re on the planet of pumpkins. They’re in coffees and soups and purees… On fields and porches […]