Where to study?

30 Apr

There’s a big wide world out there – which has become a whole lot smaller – not only thanks to technological advances in transportation, but also due to the availability of vast amounts of information on the world wide web. One way of putting all this information to use is by exploring the different country options for which one can catch a flight and arrive in a new land of education.

North America – which includes the U.S. and Canada, along with the U.K., have been the traditional study spots for South Asian students heading off to seek new levels of enlightenment for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. These days Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, and even the Middle East have become popular. But also opening up to international students, wanting to learn in the English language medium, are traditionally non-English speaking countries as far apart as China, France, and even parts of Eastern Europe (we hear the Czech Republic is an up and coming popular one).

So, if given the chance to head abroad, where would you go?

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