Word Nerd: 10 insults that sound clever just because they’re in Latin
9 Jan
We at BrainGain Magazine believe there is some good in the worst of us. But we also understand that there are limits to human patience. We all suffer moments when we want to gnash our teeth and cuss someone out, but we often refrain from doing so due to notions of decorum. Now there’s a nice Latin word – decorum. It’s basically an erudite way of saying, “Don’t be a jackass”.
And this is why, contrary to popular belief, Latin is far from useless in our modern world. It can add an intellectual touch to insults. Check out the examples below.

Illustration from Stultifera Nauis (Ship of Fools), printed in 1497. This satirical work by Sebastian Brant condemns ignorance as the enemy of society. Each of its 112 chapters depicts a different kind of fool
1. Stulte!
2. Sceleris plenissime!
Totally outrageous! (The literal translation is “most full of crime”.)
3. Nequam quidem es!
You are really no good!
4. Nugas garris!
You’re talking nonsense!
5. Spurcifer!
Scumbucket! (The literal translation is “bearer-of-filth”.)
6. Te Iuppiter dique omnes perdant!
Jupiter and all the gods damn you!
7 Pediculose!
Lousy! (“full of lice”; pedis = louse)
8. Nugator!
9. Somnias!
You’ve got to be kidding! (The literal translation is “you’re dreaming!”)
10. Tace!
Shut up!
Got any favorite Latin insults that are missing from this list? Leave a comment below or email us!
Don’t forget to check out our guide to swearing like a pro! More Word Nerd posts are here.
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