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‘Leaver’s Assembly’ – a slam farewell for high-school graduation

6 Apr

It’s that bittersweet time of the year when high-school seniors say farewell to their classmates, look forward to their hard-earned summer break, and prepare for an exciting new journey through college. Last year, Naina Lavakare, a student at The British School, Delhi, was asked to write a slam piece for the traditional ‘Leaver’s Assembly’ held […]

5 tips to convince your parents to let you study abroad

22 Feb

So you’ve shortlisted universities, taken the exams you need to take, and even got great scores. And yet, your dream of studying abroad has screeched to a halt. The reason? Your parents aren’t ready to let their precious fledgling fly from the nest. If this sounds like your story, here are a few tips that […]

What makes a great university experience?

5 Jul

What do you think forms the basis of a good university experience? What are you expecting when you get there?