A day in the life of an Indian journalism student at the University of Westminster
26 May

Rituja (extreme right) with her friends on the Tube.
Let me describe to you a normal day in my life.
I wake up fresh as a daisy at about 8am, pack lunch, and gear up for my day. I live in Raffles House, which is university accommodation located 10 minutes away from the Harrow campus where I study. Raffles House is situated right next to the Wembley Stadium, making it extremely convenient as it is close to the Tube, grocery stores and the London Designer Outlet. I live in a shared flat with 5 other people. We have en suite rooms and share the kitchen and the living room. I love my flatmates and we have become really close friends. My accommodation has a lovely social room with a pool table, foosball, vending machine and a mini-library, and we often celebrate festivals and movie-nights.
I have my first class at about 10am followed by a seminar at 11am. After which, I spend some time with my course mates at the Refectory over lunch. After this I head to work at the Cavendish campus. I spend about 4 hours there and leave work at 6pm. After which I head home, meet my friends and eat dinner. After this I tend to spend some time studying and often head out with my friends for a night out! On most days during term time, I usually have a society event or meeting where I practice debating or MUNs or media meets.
On weekends, I tend to explore the city and see new places around London with my friends. I also go for dance classes in my community centre and some free yoga classes in the university. I have been to other cities in the UK, attended conferences and university society meetings. I am the Editor-in-chief for the QH, which is the university newspaper. I am also running for president for two other societies, I have a radio show too! I am the course representative for my course and a student ambassador for the university. I am a part of the Talent Bank which helps students find university jobs. I spend about 20 hours a week working and this has given me a sense of responsibility and routine.
Rituja Rao is studying for a BA in Journalism at the University of Westminster. This blog has been republished with permission. You can find the original post here.
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