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Word Nerd: 5 Famous Misquotations (What Wasn’t Said and Who Didn’t Say it)

18 Jul

“(I)t is not desirable to confine knowledge to whatever can be put into a useful shape for examinations, drawing-rooms, or the still more pretentious modes of publicity.” —T.S. Eliot, Tradition and Individual Talent Quotations are a natural intellectual currency. Whether you’re a literature major, or a movie buff, an amateur historian or a sci-fi nerd […]

Two Unforgettable Weeks at the KWHS Global Young Leaders Academy

13 Jul

It’s not every day that one gets to meet the author of a New York Times bestseller (who also happens to be a Marketing professor at one of the best business schools in the world), attend his obviously incredible lecture, and get a signed copy of his bestselling book! Sounds unreal, right? Thanks to Knowledge@Wharton […]

Word Nerd: Cool Words You Should Know if You’re a Vegetarian in the USA

4 Jul

Today, 4th of July, is USA’s Independence Day. It’s a day which will be celebrated with fireworks, parades and fare sampled outdoors – beer butt chicken, Louisiana crawfish boil, Cajun fries, and the regular hot dogs.  If you’re like me, most of these dishes probably sound as mysterious as they sound tempting. Except hot dogs, […]

Two Weeks at the Oxford Scholastica Academy’s Summer School

29 Jun

In 2015, I attended the Oxford Scholastica Academy’s summer school. It was a two-week summer programme for 13-18 year olds from around the world. I came across the summer school on the internet. It was one of many choices, but I liked this one the best as it had a balanced mixed of academics and […]

8 tips to party safely when you’re studying abroad

15 Mar

St Patrick's Day Parade, Omagh, Ireland

With St. Patrick’s Day coming up on March 17, it’s important to keep in mind that having fun is not necessarily the same thing as being stupid. Our simple tips will help you reach home safely, and not end up in a hospital or police station. Sting’s words float musically through my mind: If “manners […]

Surviving winter on a North American campus

10 Feb

University brochures and websites usually have nice pictures of smiling students in short-sleeved t-shirts, enjoying a beautiful, sunny day. Occasionally, there’s a picture of snow covering the campus like frosting on a cake. Snow is delightful, it’s true – but it can be dangerous if you don’t know how to keep warm. Recently, parts of […]

10 Most Popular Books of 2015

21 Jan

Reading is a valuable gift that never stops giving. There are a number of reasons to read. If you’re wondering on what you should read – this is a nice place to get started. Here are 10 of the most popular books of 2015. 1. Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff The novel places a […]

Seeing Isn’t Always Believing: Digital Literacy for Students

13 Jan

Khan Academy receives 10 million unique visitors each month. Meritnation, India’s largest online platform for K-12 education, is used by more than one crore students. 81% Millennials are on Facebook. It is an understatement to say that students today are good at surfing the web. They are digital natives. Most of the generation X, Y, […]

9 Films You Should Watch During Christmas Holidays

15 Dec

Extracurricular, Christmas Holidays, Students

5 Cool Facts about the UPenn Campus

29 Jun

#1 Gothic Style University of Pennsylvania’s gothic architecture was designed by the Cope & Stewardson firm, who combined the architecture of Oxford and Cambridge with the local establishments to create a gothic style that is unique to UPenn. #2 The Addams Family Connection The demolished Blanchard Hall was rumored to be the inspiration for the […]