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What Education Means to Me

28 Nov

Preparing us for University

“Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dead,” said Aristotle, once upon a time. Education is an essential human virtue. Man becomes ‘man’ through education. He is what education makes him. It has been rightly said that without education, man is a splendid slave, a reasoning savage.We […]

Travel to Learn

5 Nov

Preparing us for University

“Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have travelled.” – The Prophet Mohammed Though my imagination is known to run as wild as the zebras on the African plains, it is inconceivable to ever substitute the experience and learning that comes with travelling to a place. It is my considered […]

Snapshot of the Women of India Leadership Summit

24 Oct had the wonderful opportunity of attending a day of the three-day long Women of India Leadership Summit in New Delhi, held earlier in October. It was designed to encourage women’s leadership through providing a speaker, workshop and event lineup that fostered discourse about issues that concern the modern woman.Going to college requires a certain […]

Do Schools Kill Creativity? : Sir Ken Robinson

28 Aug

One of the most watched TED Talks of all time.

What does it take to Animate a Film?

23 Aug

The clock ticks against time, check out Contre Temps

You’ve got to Find What you Love

12 Jul

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Commencement Address at Stanford University.

What makes a great university experience?

5 Jul

What do you think forms the basis of a good university experience? What are you expecting when you get there?

American Dreams

1 Jul

American Dreams

The Romantic version of studying in the US.

Looking for Book Reviews!

20 Jun

Read any good books lately?

Creating Entrepreneurship in Schools

20 Jun

American Dreams

Entrepreneurship can teach us some practical things in life.