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KWHS alumna gives TED-ed talk on valuing young voices

19 Mar

A student ambassador for BrainGain magazine, Ananya Grover studies at Amity International School in Noida. She thinks of herself as a nerd with a head full of questions about existence and experience. Ananya has an artistic side too – she loves dancing and calligraphy. In 2017, she attended Session A of Knowledge@Wharton Global Young Leaders’ […]

Film Review: Lady Bird is funny, sensitive and real

5 Mar

Winner of the 75th Golden Globe Award for Best Musical or Comedy Motion Picture, and nominated for an Oscar , Lady Bird is the coming-of-age tale of a teenager who dreams big but is fenced in by a strong mother. The movie marks the directorial debut of actress Greta Gerwig, who has previously starred in […]

Word Nerd: 6 magical English words from Greco-Roman mythology

17 Jan

Since ancient times, mythology has helped form a bridge between abstraction and personification, between imagination and belief, and mind and speech. Myth is a feature of every culture. In fundamental ways, it helps explain the world to us. The means of that explanation is language. Naturally, myths are embedded in our vocabulary. Often, we use […]

Word Nerd: 5 words banished from the Queen’s English in 2018

8 Jan

Every year since 1976, the Lake Superior State University publishes an annual List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use, and General Uselessness. Although the first list was inspired by the pet peeves of LSSU’s late public relations W.T. Rabe and his friends, the list is now culled from thousands of international […]

Why studying Architecture at the University of Portsmouth is a great idea

26 Dec

I came to Portsmouth to study for the BA (Hons) in Architecture. And it was the best decision I ever made. The city itself is a nice place because it is located on the south coast of England. It is known as the ‘’Great Waterfront City.’’ Right on the waterfront is where our University of […]

Word Nerd: Top 10 words and phrases of 2017

18 Dec

It’s been quite a year for words, hasn’t it? Here are our top 10 words and phrases of the year. Let us know what’s missing from the list! 10. Fidget spinner This was the year when this toy became a global industry. Contrary to some manufacturers’ claims, there is no scientific evidence that fidget spinners […]

What it’s like to be an international student studying mechanical engineering

7 Dec

Going abroad for studies is always a big dream for anyone and a very big decision. I remember spending a lot of time researching the UK universities, fees, courses offered, course structure, rankings etc. But the best insight into life at the university can only be given by the student currently studying there, and I […]

Word Nerd: German, the original hashtag language

4 Dec

You know how hashtags work. A hashtag is a hash sign followed by a word. Sometimes a phrase is compounded into a single word. People can intuitively understand its meaning from either the word itself or the context. Sometimes, though, it’s possible to take it #TooFar #BeyondAllReason #DoesItEvenMakeAnySenseAnyMore #ICantEven. Well, if you thought this was […]

Word Nerd: 5 colorful expressions that are not really about color

13 Nov

Color can mean a lot of things besides the wavelengths that reach your retina. It can refer to embellished rhetoric, or imparting a certain tone to a story. In music, it can refer to timbre, which is what enables us to distinguish a note played on a violin from the exact same note played on […]

5 amazing animation movies you must watch

7 Nov

Does animation only mean cartoons to you? A genre you’ve outgrown like braces? Well, it’s a way more nuanced medium than that. And after you’ve been through the movies on this list, you’ll understand exactly what we mean. The beauty of animation is that it allows a story to be told in infinite ways with […]